Theodore Cory, Premier DUI Attorney, Advanced Level Training on Using Mental Illnesses to Win DUI Alcohol and/or Drug Cases

Theodore Cory recently received advanced level training, from the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys, on how to use Mental Illnesses to Win DUI Alcohol and/or Drug Cases. Theodore received training on how, unfortunately, drivers who suffer from mental illness(es) will be misdiagnosed by the arresting officer and wrongfully arrested for DUI alcohol and/or drugs.…


Theodore Cory, Premier DUI Attorney, Advanced Level Training on Using Information from Medical Staff to Win DUI Cases

Theodore Cory recently received advanced level training, from the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys, on how to use information from medical staff to win DUI cases. Theodore received training on how law enforcement and emergency medical personnel have different priorities when they encounter a suspected impaired driver. These differences lead to contradictions between what…

Theodore Cory, Premier DUI Attorney, Advanced Level Training on Using Fatigue and Drowsiness To Fight DUI Cases

Theodore Cory recently received advanced level training, from the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys, on how to use fatigue and drowsiness to fight DUI cases. Theodore received training on the how drivers arrested and prosecuted for being under the influence of alcohol and/or CNS Depressants can easily be misdiagnosed and wrongfully arrested for DUI when…


Theodore Cory, Premier DUI Attorney, Advanced Level Training on Fighting the HGN Test When Done Inside a Patrol Car

Theodore Cory recently received advanced level training, from the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys, on how to fight the results of the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) Test when it is conducted inside a patrol car. Theodore Cory received training on the many reasons why an officer cannot properly administer the HGN Test on a driver…


Theodore Cory, Premier DUI Attorney, Advanced Level Training on Unconstitutional Fees In DUI Cases

Theodore Cory recently received advanced level training, from the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys, on Unconstitutional Fees In DUI Cases. Theodore received training on a recent Court of Appeals Decision in Tennessee that administrative fees charged on blood draws are unconstitutional and violate due process. Many areas of the Country have similar administrative fees on…